Investment visa: 10 million baht and the prospect of a residence permit

Investment visa: 10 million baht and the prospect of a residence permit

An investment visa is the only type of visa associated with large financial investments, which allows you to subsequently apply for a residence permit and citizenship of Thailand.

To get it you need:

  • have a Non-B visa in your passport,
  • transfer more than 10 million baht to an account in Thailand,
  • invest 10 million baht in Thailand.

Visa cost

2000 baht for a single entry visa and 5000 baht for a visa without restrictions on entry and exit from the country.

An annual visa is placed in a passport, which expires no earlier than in a year and a half.

All dependent family members will be able to obtain annual Non-O visas. But they must also have:

  • non-immigrant visas in passports, such as study visas;
  • documents confirming marital status.

How to get an initial Non-visa class “B”?

You can apply for it at the Thai embassy in another country. This is easiest to do if you have a registered Thai company. This can also be done by business invitation or with a letter from the Board of Investments (BOI).

What is considered an investment in Thailand?

  • Fixed deposit in a Thai bank with at least 50% Thai shareholders. If you want to renew your visa year after year, it should be at least 10 million baht year after year.
  • Purchase of government bonds. They are issued in limited quantities and the purchase size is regulated, so it is difficult to invest 10 million in one bond.
  • Purchase of a condominium for this amount (the cost must be confirmed by the land department).
  • Lease of real estate for at least 3 years.
  • Several options from the above for a total of over 10 million baht. For example, 7 million baht condo, 2 million baht fixed deposit and 1 million baht bonds.

The investment visa is given for a year, but it can be extended for the same period as long as you remain the owner of real estate in Thailand with a total value of 10 million baht. Every 90 days you must submit a notice of stay to the immigration office. You can do this online, through the website of the immigration bureau.

The visa does not provide a work permit; it must be obtained additionally.

What this visa gives is the right to apply for Permanent Residence and obtain a Thai residence permit. To do this, you need three years of permanent residence in Thailand on an investment visa with its continuous extension.

It is not easy to obtain a residence permit. There are quotas for issuing them to foreigners, and it is difficult to get into them. In addition, you need:

  • have an excellent knowledge of the Thai language, pass an exam on knowledge of language, history and culture;
  • undergo a medical examination and receive a health certificate,
  • be prepared to pay 191,400 baht if a residence permit is issued.

Why get a residence permit at all?

After receiving a Thai residence permit, you will receive the following bonuses:

  • There is no need to constantly worry about your visa status.
  • After five years of residence permit, you can apply for citizenship.
  • Family members can also obtain a residence permit.
  • You can purchase real estate without transferring finances from abroad.

There are a number of other benefits that a residence permit provides. With it, you still need to obtain a work permit.

To summarize, an investment visa has a number of advantages:

  • Low visa costs.
  • Requires three times less investment than an LTR visa and does not need to show a high monthly income.
  • Investments are returnable.
  • After three years, you can apply for a residence permit.

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